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If you don’t like something change it. If you can’t change it, then change your attitude!

Maya Angelou 

     As long as we live, my dear students, there will be many things out of our control. Some are life changing and others just things we can brush off easily. I often think back to my childhood-the few memories I have-and wonder what it would have been like to have more _______ or better _____ (so many things I could fill in those blanks). The thing is while some things were scary that I experienced there was love and positivity sprinkled too. I’m grateful that if nothing else it provided me with “understanding” and compassion for others. As an adult I can now affect change in my life, whether it be my circumstance or simply my thoughts while going through something out of my control. Hang in there and be the best you can be-I believe in YOU!


This week’s focus has two standards, but I am only having you practice a snapshot of what they entail.


The “kid friendly” details are:



  • I can identify absolute value of rational numbers.

  • I can interpret absolute value as magnitude for a positive or negative quantity in a real-world situation.




  • I can calculate absolute value.

  • I can graph points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane.

  • I can solve real-world problems by graphing points in all four quadrants of a coordinate plane.

  • I can calculate the distances between two points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate using absolute value, given only coordinates.


Videos to watch BEFORE attempting USA Testprep:


Absolute value review


Distance between two points


I believe that may be enough to help based off the other videos I have posted previously. Please email me if you need additional resources. I can repost the old videos for you 😊


USA Testprep this week AFTER you watch the video above:


NS.7c Understand Absolute Value


  • 10 random questions

  • 2 short videos-(optional-watch them if the other videos on my blog aren’t enough)

  • Game (optional)


NS.8 Graph Points In Coordinate Plane


  • 10 random question

  • 2 free response (you may choose to do just one)

  • Video (optional if you need it)


Keep being great and stay safe, please! I appreciate you!!!

Ms. Broussard

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